For Such a time as this we have been called together by our Glorious Heavenly Father to stand together against a great evil which is plaguing our country...our world.
For such a time as this we have been equipped by our Heavenly Father to face the task ahead as He provides the victory. Throughout history, the victory has always been the Lord’s and He has his remnant, the ones with a pure heart of service who humbly walk forward to take on the task He has graciously allowed us to be a part of. I find myself making connections to the past and the time our Founding Father’s lived in, with the formation of the Founding Documents as well as the Revolutionary War. They faced a great task ahead and they faced it unwavering. Guaranteed they knew the reality of tyranny which they would live under if they failed. And as God repeatedly won battles throughout history, He proved that He is supreme by having a small group...who committed everything to achieve the win.
What are the things that we can commit to do in an unwavering way...which will go down in History worthy as that group of people who stood with God, knowing that we are called by God for such a time as this? You and I were uniquely created to take on this task and work together. What goals should we have to reach the win?
First off, if we want a Constitutional Republic as the Founding Father’s intended, we need commitment. Every single person has to get involved and participate in this process of self government. Individually we can set a goal of how many people we can reach out to... to spread the word and help them get to know the candidates. Post like you are the 3rd monkey trying to get on the ark, to all your social media groups...join more and keep posting. Email or text those who aren’t active on social media. Visit friends or start a group of patriots in your area to meet for breakfast and give all an opportunity to invite more. The goal is an ever expanding group!!! Decide to schedule a speaking event in your area where people can meet, express their opinions, hear from the US Taxpayer’s Party and communicate with myself and others. We need locations for signs...4x8...2x4...and yard signs! We need people to show up at events and bring friends!!! Coffee shops for breakfast meetings are always a hit. And I would like to have people calling in to my show BNN (Brandenburg News Network) to discus real thoughts and an ever increasing opportunity to provide education, information and a place to gather to explore ideas on how “We the People” want to run this nation. Of course, we also need donations to help us reach “We the People” en mass and ensure a glorious win which we can lay at the feet of our Savior Jesus Christ!!
God always provides a way! He is our Savior...THE Savior. He does it for his love for us! When we turn our lives over to Him, walk forward in faith, He will be with us. We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us...walk forward to the victory in November and be that faithful remnant working towards God’s good purposes...that God’s will be done.
So now is the time to choose, this is the dividing line, to stand for God, family and country! We need to stand shoulder to shoulder like the patriots did against the loyalists in the first American Revolution...because we are currently in the Second Revolution and I wouldn’t miss a minute of this glorious fight to write the next chapter in history!!
“For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the diving providence, we mutually pledge our lives, or fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
Take the pledge again!!! And lets get to work.
It will be my pleasure to serve as the next Governor of Michigan, standing with you to take back Michigan.

Donna Brandenburg, US Taxpayer’s Party, Candidate for Governor of Michigan