Resolution in Support of CPS Reform

Adopted by unanimous vote and full support of the State Central Committee on Saturday, July 25, 2015

WHEREAS, Child Protection Services (CPS) is a state agency, so organized by law to protect innocent children from dangerous and abusive conditions and circumstances, and

WHEREAS, CPS is allowed by law to operate with little to no public accountability for its actions or the results incurred by its actions, and

WHEREAS, CPS has a long standing record and reputation of negligent and unlawful practices which has allowed and even encouraged the damages to children they should be protecting, and

WHEREAS, CPS has a long standing record and reputation of abusing their power and authority, resulting in circumstances which prove detrimental to Michigan families, and

WHEREAS, the activities of CPS are inconsistent with the American philosophy of justice and punishment for violations of law, but rather have proven to be consistent with the draconian philosophies of administrative law and are practiced within the sacred family structure,

THEREFORE, it is the intention of the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan to support the reform of law as applicable to CPS in order to make the agency more accountable, transparent, responsible and prudent, operating only as a first response investigative agency without the ability to function with administrative privileges.
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