Image Bearer

To murder children prior to natural birth and after birth, to mutilate the genitalia of school age children, to force the acceptance of the delusion that a person is not the sex they are, and to promote the killing of the sick and elderly are horrific acts against humanity that we are now witnessing and which are unconscionable and pure evil. It is now being demanded that we accept these atrocious acts as fundamental rights of all people.

How did we get to this place as a people? What is the way forward in such a hostile death culture?

We must look to the truth and restore in the hearts of all mankind that they are loved, valuable, and have dignity and purpose, being created in the image of Almighty God.

“then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Genesis 1: 26, 27 KJV

About the USTPM

The USTPM would like to challenge voters to get informed and take a proactive role in ensuring a good future for our posterity. Their well being is solely dependent upon our current actions.

We are a ballot qualified party, which means we can slate candidates and get them on the ballot each general election. We present them to you, the voter, for consideration.

Please take the time, do the research and vote for the most qualified.

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